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Peter Curnan RIP

The death has taken place of

Peter Curnan

Sheena, Drumkeeran,
and formerly Greaghnadarragh, Drumkeeran.

Peter died in St Phelim’s Nursing Home, Dromahair,
on Friday, 12 June.

Peter Curnan was born in Liverpool on 24th December 1945.
A few years later his parents Patrick & Bridie moved back to Drumkeeran.
They settled in Greaghnaderragh where they brought up their two children,
Maureen and Peter.

After he left school Peter worked for a short time in the Arigna mines
before going to England where he worked mostly in the tunnels
in places such as London, Leeds and Liverpool.

After eleven years in England he returned home to Greaghnaderragh
to look after his ailing father, Patrick.
 Patrick, died in March 1979 and, a few years later,
Peter decided to go to New York.
There he worked on the buildings and also did some bar work.
He returned to Drumkeeran in 2006.

Peter had four great loves in his life,
shooting, hunting, fishing and playing cards.

He was very accurate with the shotgun, winning many trophies for his clay-pigeon shooting.
He also made  many good friends through his involvement in the hunting and the fishing.
Whenever he had a successful day’s fishing
he was always happy to share the catch with his neighbours and friends.

Peter was a kind and caring man.
He was totally loyal to his friends,
and he was always ready to support and help them when needed.
When he was in New York he regularly helped to raise funds
for various people in need.

And he was also very kind towards animals, especially his dogs.
He had a great affection for his Red Setter, Tara, and for her many pups.  

Peter, also enjoyed the card games, especially the Twenty-Five and the poker.
And he enjoyed a few drinks in the company of his friends,
sharing with them his various stories and yarns.
He enjoyed the banter and the slagging,
and the jokes and the mischief,
in the good sense of that word.  

With all these interests and with all his wide circle of friends,
Peter certainly enjoyed his time around Drumkeeran
since his return from New York.
However, over the last year or so his health began to decline.
He spent some time in Sligo Regional Hospital
before he was admitted to St Phelim’s Nursing Home, Dromahair.
It was there that he died, on Friday, 12 June.

The large numbers of people who called at the Funeral Home  in Ballyfarnon,
and who attended the Funeral Mass in Tarmon Church
are in indication of the high esteem with which Peter was held within the local community.

Peter is survived by this daughters Grace and Sharon and by his sister Maureen (Meehan).

Peter’s Funeral Mass, celebrated by Fr Gerard Alwill PP,
took place in St Patrick’s Church, Tarmon,
on Monday, 15 June.

Peter was laid to rest afterwards
in the Curnan family plot in Drumkeeran Cemetery.