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Report on Drumkeeran Church Roof

First Heavy Snow of Winter

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First Heavy Snow of Winter

The sun rises over a snow-covered landscape on Wednesday morning.
In the distance, Lough Allen and Ballinaglera.

Drumkeeran has experienced the first heavy snowfall of the winter.

The snow started on Tuesday morning, 13 January,

and continued falling throughout the day

and throughout Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.

As a result there was a 3 to 4 inch carpet of snow
in the village and in the surrounding areas.

Schools were closed for the day and,
for a while in the early morning,
road travel was quite hazardous.

Drumkeeran Church, photographed during a break in the snowfall
around 11.00 pm on Tuesday.

However, a slightly increased temperature combined with heavy rainfall
brought about a rapid thaw of the snow
during Wednesday afternoon.