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Drumkeeran Church Renovations

Week 9

Starting Tuesday, 4 August.

(View Progress for Other Weeks)


Because of the August Bank Holiday, work this week started on Tuesday.

Due to the inclement weather conditions, little progress was made on the roof.

Inside the church, however, work began on erecting the scaffolding.

By early afternoon, the first level of scaffolding was complete.

The internal scaffolding is required for repairs to and painting of church interior, including the ceiling.

Here we see the need for repairs, cleaning and repainting at one of the higher windows.

By late afternoon a second level has been added to the scaffolding.

Window frames have been put in place in the Day Chapel.

Nearly all window frames have been put in place
around the entrance lobby, the day chapel and the new toilet area.


Erecting the internal scaffolding continues

A third platform level is put in place

The doorframe and and window frames have the inserted into the side-door lobby.


By Thursday afternoon the last and highest platform is nearly complete

This final platform will give worker access to the ceiling.


Work on the scaffolding is complete, giving full access to the ceiling.

The final platform in the upper half of the photo will allow workers to repair, clean and varnish the ceiling timbers.

A gap has formed between the sloping part of the ceiling, where attaches to the support on the walls.
If not dealt with, the gap will reduce the effectiveness of the new insulation.
As we can see, much grit and dirt has built up along this gap.

Here we can see the damage caused by water leakage near the top of the centre window behind the altar.
This leakage is probably the result of the faulty barge overhead.  The barge has been replaced.

The view of the Ceiling from the Top Platform of the Scaffolding

The top platform comes up very close to the trusses.
From this layer it’s possible to see the various issues that have to be addressed.

Some of the ceiling boards are in need of repair and much of the varnish finish is seriously tarnished.

This hole in the ceiling boards is directly over the rherdos in the sanctuary.

About half-way along the nave, the varnish has faded in in this section.

Another section where the varnish has become very dull.