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Drumkeeran Church Renovations

Week 7

Starting Monday, 20 July.

(View Progress for Other Weeks)

Monday and Tuesday

Work continued with the slating on the south side of the main roof.

Work has also started on putting the batons on to the triangular sections of the roof over the main door.


All the pillars have been cleaned back to the natural stone

To the right of the scaffolding, the doorway from the lobby into the body of the church is beginning to take shape.

The exterior of the Weekday Mass / Prayer Room.
The wooden panels will be stained to match the wood in the rest of the church.

Thursday & Friday

The work continues on slating the roof, despite the regular showers of drizzle and rain.

Is there a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow?

Work on the entrance lobby nears completion.
The windows and doors have yet to be fitted.

All the wooden surfaces will be stained so as to match the existing wooden features of the church.

The trench for the sewerage pipes from the new toilets.


The view from the main door of the new entrance lobby.

Two items of interest…

High up on one of the windows of the north side of the church we see WB inscribed into the stone.
Are these the initials of the stone mason who carved the stone for that window?

This hammer was found in the higher section of the roof.
Could it be that it was left behind by some of the men who worked at the building of the church in the 1870’s?