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Drumkeeran Church Renovations

Week 6

Starting Monday, 13 July.

(View Progress for Other Weeks)

Monday & Tuesday

On both sides of the gable new concrete barges had to be constructed.

The side-door draught lobby begins to take shape.

Slating on the north side of the main roof nears completion

The batons are put onto the south side of the main roof.


Wednesday sees the start of the slating on the south facing side of the main roof.

The last of the batons have been put into place by mid-morning.

The new slates are stacked on to the roof.

By mid-afternoon the workers are starting to put on the first of the new slates.

Fr Gerry tries his hand at putting on a few slates!

A close-up of the new barge.
The more observant among us may notice red markings on the batons.
See next photo….

The reds line on the batons help the workers
to correctly align the slates as they nail them on.


Despite blustery conditions, work on the slating continued.

Two of the pillars. have been cleaned back to the original stonework

The new toilet area is taking shape


The upper part of the belfry was power-washed.

The man operating the power wash stands in a special cage
which is suspended from the crane.
Using a remote control device, the man to the left of the photo,
leaning back on the transept roof, operates the crane.