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Drumkeeran Church Renovations

Week 2

Starting Monday, 15 June.

(View Progress for Other Weeks)

Work commenced on removing the old slates from the roof of the side-aisle
on the town-side of the church.

As the slates are removed we can view the upper side of the ceiling boards.
The main beams are treated before the insulation and felt are put in place.

Inside, the gaps in the ceiling give us a fair indication of just how much heat
would have been lost through the ceiling and the roof.

The salvaged slates are put aside for future use
and the crates of new slates can be seen in the background.

To the rear of the church the scaffolding has been raised to give access to the main part of the roof.

The Belfry

On Tuesday, 16 June, scaffolding was erected inside the Belfry
in order to give access to the roof of the Belfry.

The Bell, and the automatic hammer that rings the bell
for Sunday Mass and for the Angelus.

The inscription on the bell is in Latin, but it informs us that bell was put into place in 1959,
when Most Rev Dr Austin Quinn was bishop
and Very Rev Patrick Connolly was parish priest.

On top of the belfry, we have our own ‘roof-garden’,
growing on the surface of what remains of the old roof.

The view from the belfry, showing the Priest’s Field and the Parochial House

The view over Lugmeen towards some of the houses in Sheena.

By mid-week work had started on the roof of the north transept.

The old slates are removed

The insulation and the lats for the new slates have been put in place.

By the end of the week work had commenced on the South Transept.

The old slates being removed from the south transept.
Two of the stained glass windows have been removed for restoration.

It was while removing the slates in this section that the signatures of
some of the tradesmen who worked on the building in 1882 were found.

The old timbers are treated to prevent decay.