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Drumkeeran Church Renovations

Week 12

Starting Monday, 24 August.

(View Progress for Other Weeks)

Monday and Tuesday

The scaffold company began to remove the upper levels of the scaffolding
on Monday morning.

By mid-day the scaffolding above the upper windows has been dismantled.

The removal of the upper level of scaffolding means that workers can now put slates on the roofs of the side-aisles.
By Monday evening the slating of the north side-aisle roof is nearly complete.
These are old slates that were salvaged from the main roof.

And inside the church…

… a new marble ambo has been constructed.

The final varnish has been applied to the timbers of the entrance lobby
and some of the glass panes have been inserted.

A special levelling compound has been applied to the floor of the new toilet area
in preparation for the laying of the floor covering.

In the sacristy a new fire-door has been fitted between the sacristy and the boiler room.

Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

With the completion of the roof on the north side-aisle
the slaters are now working on the south side-aisle roof.

The intermittent rain showers, some of them very heavy, mean that the work is constantly interrupted.

By Friday evening, only this section remains to be finished.

The Baptism font is repositioned.

The varnish has been applied to the woodwork in the new side-lobby.

On Friday, the scaffolding at the main door of the church is dismantled.

By 5.00 pm all the scaffolding at the door has been removed.
We now can see the impact of the power-washing of the walls.
The statue of St Brigid, over the doorway, has yet to be painted.

The tidying-up process has begun.
Some of the crates in which the new slate were delivered
are stacked up and ready to be taken away.