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Drumkeeran Church Renovations

Week 10

Starting Monday, 10 August.

(View Progress for Other Weeks)


The Painting Team moved in on Monday
and began work on the church ceiling.

Here we can see the difference between an unvarnished section of the ceiling and a newly varnished section.

Repairs to the damaged sections of the ceiling have been carried out.
(To see the finished boards go to the photos for Wednesday.)


The refurbished cross has returned and will be restored to its place today.

Workers carry the cross to its position on the top of the roof.

The cross is put into place…..

….. and the workers fix it securely to the roof.

This stained glass window in the south transept had to be taken away for restoration.
The refurbished window is returned to its place.

A close-up of the newly restored window.


The slating of the main roof is almost complete

The south and west facing surfaces are nearly finished.

The last few slates are put in place on the north side of the main roof.

The final task over the next few days will be to put on the ridge tiles.

In Monday’s photos we saw the repairs made to the ceiling.
The new boards have been varnished and now match in perfectly with the old.

An unusual view

Here we see the rherdos, the marble structure behind the altar,
as viewed from the scaffolding above.
The tabernacle is directly below the dome in the centre of the picture.


With the slating of the main roof now complete,
work has started on putting on the ridge tiles.

And inside the church another little piece of history is discovered.

Painters working on the ceiling discovered the following signature…

It reads: “W Kelly Painter 1909”.
And by an uncanny coincidence,
the name of the painter who found the signature is Wayne Kelly.


By Friday, all the work on the ceiling is complete.
The scaffolding inside the church will be removed over the next few days.

The wooden panels of the Day Chapel and the new Entrance Lobby have given the first coat o the wood-stain.
The new wooden structure will now blend in with the other wooden features in the church.